I love naps. Yesterday, a ten minute rest was all I had time for - and it left me feeling anew. “Rest is Resistance” is a great title and now I’m feeling like a revolutionary :). Thanks for this - I hope you get your nap!

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For the longest of time I thought napping, or resting in any ways, was the most lazy to do! I needed to productive, strong etc. etc. Until that idea literally burned me out. Now, I dare to say that taking a nap/break is much more productive, efficient and inspiring even than dragging my tiered ass and brain fog through the day in the name of working.

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Lazy *thing* to do

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I thought taking a nap was a no brainer. You feel sleepy because the brain is running out of gas. It has to recharge. Little people’s’ brains are more active and so they need more sleep.

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I love your framing of rest as our work, and the way it's crucial to pause even when (especially when) it seems like there's so much to do. It reminds me of Abraham Joshua Heschel's writing on the Sabbath, which invites us to "Rest as if the work was done."

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Essential part of my self-care routine. At least that is what I’m calling it these days. I’ve always been a closet napper. Used to drive the person sitting next to me in the airplane seat absolutely nuts. “I’m sorry were you talking to me?” 😴

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This popped up in my inbox LITERALLY just as I was headed up for a nap 🙌

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Thank you! We are driving home from camp damp and stinking of woodsmoke. We cannot wait to nap!!

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Naps !? Oh absolutely !! When I start to feel a bit groggy I drink water. Or get out in the open air. If that doesn't work I lay down. I disappear for 10 70 minutes, average 25. Almost every day, sometimes twice. Productivity increases, Guaranteed. In fact I'm yawning now. Aaaah blissful peace, Maurizzzzzzz

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