Rebellions are built on hope. ❤️

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Yes yes yes! Thanks for being hopefully and joyfully rebellious, Morgan. SO happy you're here.

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(Also, I recognize this Star Wars reference and I love it) I think Star Wars at its best is when it leans into the hopepunk!

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Oof, and I needed this today. I struggle so much to hold on to hope with *all* that is messed up around us. And I think a big reason for that is how our senses are overwhelmed with bad news 24/7. It’s hard to hold on to hope when the only choices we’re presented with are defeatism or denialism. I love how you’ve framed hope as rebellious. It absolutely is. Thank you, hopepunk Brad.

*styles hair in neon pink spikes, puts on joy rebel pin and defiantly steps out front door*

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haha! Erin. I love the exit image. Hopepunk style. Embrace it. Live it! Thanks for the kind words and for living this out. We *do* need it! I need it!

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Needed this today. Thanks, sir!

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SCOTT. Thank you. Working through your amazing interview questions has been therapeutic and challenging in all the best ways. I'm so grateful for the work you do and the way you do it. Stay hopefully and joyfully rebellious, friend.

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Appreciate you!

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Love love love. I have a bit of a wild, strange book being published next year and I have been wondering what genre it might represent. Now I know... it's Hopepunk! Yessss.

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Josie! Amazing! This is great news. Please please keep me posted on the book. We need it!

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I love this so much. I am so glad to have found it. What a beautiful article that has put into words all that I feel about joy and hope and wanting to share that which is uplifting 💛

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Emily, I had the great chance to see some of your work on Instagram and was so charmed. Completely! What many gifts you have. Really happy you're here on substack adding to the beauty and inspiration!

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Thank you Brad, that means so much 💛 I am looking forward to reading more of your words

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As always - SO GOOD. This resonates with me! Thank you.

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Amy, thank you. I normally send out my emails on Tuesdays, but couldn't shake this one. I had a bit of fear sharing it for some reason? So wild how that works. Sharing only to let you know that it means a lot to know it resonated with you, because I wasn't certain it would with anyone. Ha. Grateful to not be alone. May we all stay hopefully and joyfully rebellious. I'm so glad you're here.

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I'm glad you followed your gut instinct (I hold back too often with my own "big thoughts" and nudges...so thank you for sharing your initial reserve. Just can't lose today, Brad!) Must be all that hope :)

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Thank you so much for this, I really needed it today. Hope is all that has kept me hanging on for the last several years.

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I am so grateful it found you. Truly. I understand this feeling well. Recently I’ve realized I needed to provide myself permission to hope again. And have realized there’s likely others who need it to. It’s an active struggle. A daily fight for the light. But it’s there and it’s worth it. Stay hopefully and joyfully rebellious, Kristina. With you. For you.

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Such goodness here. Thank you Brad. I'm forwarding this to my son ASAP!

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Eddy, I'm so grateful it found you. May it spark some hopepunk for your son. Thanks for passing it along.

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‘You’re so cool’ - I’m channeling the ending of True Romance (love that movie!) Seriously, I loved the exhibition of Hope inspired art @ The Guggenheim. What a wonderful project, and what a great way to start my day, I feel buoyed, thank you!

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I heard of hope punk several years ago. Check out the writer Cat Rambo. Her website has a whole section on the topic:


It’s a good thing to promote radical hope. It’s needed in this world more than ever. Thank you, Brad, for the reminder.

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Thank you SO much for this comment. I really appreciate you pointing me to Cat Rambo!! I happened to be standing in a bookstore when I read your comment and immediately went to her reading list. Found one of the hopepunk recommendations right in front of me! Thrilled to dive in more. Grateful for you!

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Thanks for such a great line of thought. As a teacher, I can easily get discouraged by the violence and greed so apparent in the world, and wonder wearily what is ahead for my students. The urge to hold tight to orthodoxy, to circle the wagons, is prevalent. I don’t want to live small or lose my sense of wonder, and I certainly don’t want my students to. Thanks for the reminder to live open-heartedly and with my face lifted to the sun.

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Kindness is hard!*

Still, do it anyway!

* - You will probably not get thanked. You may even get

Blamed! Still, do it anyway!

There is grim-dark, and also

Hope-light. Support your best

Hopes for our future.

Do it Hope-light!

Just do it!

And -> Thanks in advance!

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May 7, 2023
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BRAD, you've done it again! You've added so much hope into this world. I've shared this repeatedly today, including to every one of my students. Thank you!

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Well, this made my week. Honored it found you and especially honored you'd share with a student in your midst. What a lucky classroom to have someone like you hopepunk-ing about.

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Thank you for this. Life has been weird, disjointed, and discouraging off and on the last few years. I want to be hopeful but I've been tired enough that it's felt pointless at times. But that desire is still there; I'm in my best state of being when I'm hopeful. Hopepunk is the affirmation I've needed.

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Like minds, Brad. Thank you for your post. Hopepunks. I love that. I share your sentiment and that's part of my intent with my own newsletter.

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Thank you for this! I needed the word "hopepunk" - it's what I've been trying to do with my own posts. I've been using the term "whimsical art" and that fits but not perfectly... hopepunk fits better! Thank you!!!

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