Being an enthusiast - genuinely finding pure joy in the happiness of others. Irrespective of the impact it has on your life - being enthusiastic about their happiness and contentment.

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Thank you Brad! There is a feeling of familiarity and ease that lands with me whenever I read your posts, and it seems these lessons you share are very embodied in the ways you show up. I hope you remember that.

For me it is the moments when I tap into someone and see the person in front of me lights up that I know this random conversation is to turn into gold.

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Feb 22Liked by Brad Montague

Brad, can you make that Madeleine L'Engle quote a print or poster? Please?! :-)

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The act of being curious - that’s what feels like the mark of being an enthusiast. Curiosity is open-ended, dynamic (a word Ray Bradbury used in that clip!) and ever-changing: all of those are the opposite of despair (which, to me, seems closed off, like someone’s gaze fixed permanently at the ground). Maybe eager expectation is part of it too? Being eager or expectant feels vulnerable and scary… and usually when something feels vulnerable and scary I know it’s pointing me in a direction of openness and ultimately how I want to show up in the world! But that doesn’t always make it less scary. :)

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Thank you for sharing these quotes, Brad! They are so precious. I will write them down in my journal.

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Wonderful. Awe and curiosity are such gifts. Thanks Brad.

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I often say that I like people who are "interesting & interested," but I think this may be a better way of getting at it and getting into it. Thanks!

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Fearless in the face of excitement and discovery and adventure, even if that’s only on the inside. Open to things that light our souls and make our hearts sing 💛 beautiful words as always Brad

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Love it Brad

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Every time I see light that falls on something beautifully I take a photo of it. Whenever there is a full moon I figure out a different way to photograph it. Some of these photos will become paintings. I don't sell them, I just create them and share them because I want to put beauty into the world.

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"‘What’s an enthusiast?’ Add to the list!" I was thinking along these lines this past week as well :) I wrote "Just Be Amazed" (https://sydneymichalski.substack.com/p/just-be-amazed) about a recent experience where I lost my sense of amazement - and thankfully came to realize that it was a muscle that I could rebuild!

The natural world provides constant opportunity for us to learn how to be amazed - because if we will just take a moment to be curious about anything in nature, we will certainly find ourselves amazed by it. A person who is curious, and then amazed, becomes a person who cares. A person who cares, connects. A person who connects, cultivates. And it spills over into every area of our lives!

So my advice (and my own personal goal): Be curious, and be amazed, and then do it again! It's good for you. (And it can change the world!)

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Thank you Brad for all the love, encouragement, support and sparks 🔥 you continually add to the world. You make a great difference in my life and in the world. 😍😘♥️. Never too much joy or enthusiasm or compassion.

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Brad, thank you for always being such a huge encouragement to everyone around you! I appreciate your thoughts so much!

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