Mar 7Liked by Brad Montague


You are the modern-day Mr. Rogers, and I'm so grateful that you exist. I needed to visit with Mr. Rogers today and you made that happen.

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Guided drift kind of sums up my life so far. And such beautiful places life has drifted to as an invisible energy guides me...

Thanks for writing this piece Brad @bradmontague

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Mar 7Liked by Brad Montague

Needed this. Thank you.

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Mar 7Liked by Brad Montague

I also needed a visit with MR. Rogers and Brad. You both help me accept my doubts and fears and also help me not let them stop me. 🥰😘🥰

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Mar 7Liked by Brad Montague

This was perfectly timed!

I’ve been on a drug trial for many years because I have a rare hereditary gene that causes Alzheimer’s Disease in mid life (I’m 47 and symptomatic) and the trial ended suddenly last year and I was briefly devastated followed by relief of not having to have any more cognitive tests, lumbar punctures and MRIs.

Today my trial nurse emailed me to say that a new trial would be up and running by the end of the year and would I be interested in it - I immediately knew that I wanted to be on the new trial, it’ll be regular trips to the hospital in London BUT I feel compelled to say yes to anything that result in more understanding of the disease.

In my world, there are no failures in drug trials as something is always learned that guides future drug trials.

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Thanks for sharing, Brad. My word, your illustrations are fab!

Internal uncertainty can be useful when those guiding principles are firmly in place.

As for external uncertainties, I guess it depends on their severity in each case.

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Mar 7Liked by Brad Montague


I appreciate you so very much. You are always such a huge encouragement!

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“He didn’t have it all figured out, but he did have principles.”

This is an incredibly powerful quote. One that I plan to add to my collection of things to remember while working, displayed on various post its on my computer monitor. :)

Brad, your work matters, and I’m so grateful that you continue to forge through the uncertainty and delight us with reminders that we’re all figuring this out as we go along.

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I have been working for forty years and I have never heard a better way than "guided drift" to describe my career path (so much better than "aimless".) I did not appreciate Fred Rogers when I was a kid but I love him to bits now, and his wife sounds like a shining light. I am happy for you that you got to connect with her.

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That was comforting. What I thought was just me not being able to settle down was actually a guided drift and a brilliant way to live life. Cheers Brad 😊

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Alt comment — tell me which you like better:

Restacking your own post and drawing me into feeling good about myself?

He can’t keep getting away with it! 😭

(eg. Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad, S05E12)

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Restacking your own post and guided drifting me into your world? Too good! Too easy!

Thanks for speaking truth to power, State Farm (ie. like a Good Neighbour).

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Even Mr. Rogers had his doubts. Knowing that makes having doubts much easier. Thank you, Brad!

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I can feel the tears coming, Brad. This is wonderful!

I often feel like my life (and brain) is like a confusing soup or a bucket of compost : a bit of this and a bit of that and then I got bored of that and moved onto this. And I often feel ashamed that it looks like such a mess - like I’m flakey and can’t stick at things and I never make much money.

But really I know I’m always working on the same Thing just in different ways. Guided drift is *exactly* what it is. I am so glad I read this today. Thank you so much and thank you Fred - that note to self is so beautifully revealing and inclusive - I’m glad we got to know him better through it.


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I learned something new today: guided drift. I love that, Brad! Thank you.

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The Guided Drift--THANK YOU!

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